Codec registry and support functions

int PyCodec_Register(PyObject *search_function)

Register a new codec search function.

As side effect, this tries to load the encodings package, if not yet done, to make sure that it is always first in the list of search functions.

int PyCodec_KnownEncoding(const char *encoding)

Return 1 or 0 depending on whether there is a registered codec for the given encoding.

PyObject* PyCodec_Encode(PyObject *object, const char *encoding, const char *errors)

Generic codec based encoding API.

object is passed through the encoder function found for the given encoding using the error handling method defined by errors. errors may be NULL to use the default method defined for the codec. Raises a LookupError if no encoder can be found.

PyObject* PyCodec_Decode(PyObject *object, const char *encoding, const char *errors)

Generic codec based decoding API.

object is passed through the decoder function found for the given encoding using the error handling method defined by errors. errors may be NULL to use the default method defined for the codec. Raises a LookupError if no encoder can be found.

Codec lookup API

In the following functions, the encoding string is looked up converted to all lower-case characters, which makes encodings looked up through this mechanism effectively case-insensitive. If no codec is found, a KeyError is set and NULL returned.

PyObject* PyCodec_Encoder(const char *encoding)

Get an encoder function for the given encoding.

PyObject* PyCodec_Decoder(const char *encoding)

Get a decoder function for the given encoding.

PyObject* PyCodec_IncrementalEncoder(const char *encoding, const char *errors)

Get an IncrementalEncoder object for the given encoding.

PyObject* PyCodec_IncrementalDecoder(const char *encoding, const char *errors)

Get an IncrementalDecoder object for the given encoding.

PyObject* PyCodec_StreamReader(const char *encoding, PyObject *stream, const char *errors)

Get a StreamReader factory function for the given encoding.

PyObject* PyCodec_StreamWriter(const char *encoding, PyObject *stream, const char *errors)

Get a StreamWriter factory function for the given encoding.

Registry API for Unicode encoding error handlers

int PyCodec_RegisterError(const char *name, PyObject *error)

Register the error handling callback function error under the given name. This callback function will be called by a codec when it encounters unencodable characters/undecodable bytes and name is specified as the error parameter in the call to the encode/decode function.

The callback gets a single argument, an instance of UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError or UnicodeTranslateError that holds information about the problematic sequence of characters or bytes and their offset in the original string (see Unicode Exception Objects for functions to extract this information). The callback must either raise the given exception, or return a two-item tuple containing the replacement for the problematic sequence, and an integer giving the offset in the original string at which encoding/decoding should be resumed.

Return 0 on success, -1 on error.

PyObject* PyCodec_LookupError(const char *name)

Lookup the error handling callback function registered under name. As a special case NULL can be passed, in which case the error handling callback for “strict” will be returned.

PyObject* PyCodec_StrictErrors(PyObject *exc)

Raise exc as an exception.

PyObject* PyCodec_IgnoreErrors(PyObject *exc)

Ignore the unicode error, skipping the faulty input.

PyObject* PyCodec_ReplaceErrors(PyObject *exc)

Replace the unicode encode error with ? or U+FFFD.

PyObject* PyCodec_XMLCharRefReplaceErrors(PyObject *exc)

Replace the unicode encode error with XML character references.

PyObject* PyCodec_BackslashReplaceErrors(PyObject *exc)

Replace the unicode encode error with backslash escapes (\x, \u and \U).

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