Category: iterators | Component type: type |
vector<int> V; // ... copy(V.begin(), V.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, "\n"));
Parameter | Description | Default |
T | The type of object that will be written to the ostream. The set of value types of an ostream_iterator consists of a single type, T. |
Member | Where defined | Description |
ostream_iterator(ostream&) | ostream_iterator | See below. |
ostream_iterator(ostream&, const char* s) | ostream_iterator | See below. |
ostream_iterator(const ostream_iterator&) | Output Iterator | The copy constructor |
ostream_iterator& operator=(const ostream_iterator&) | Output Iterator | The assignment operator |
ostream_iterator& operator=(const T&) | Output Iterator | Used to implement the Output Iterator requirement *i = t. [1] |
ostream_iterator& operator*() | Output Iterator | Used to implement the Output Iterator requirement *i = t. [1] |
ostream_iterator& operator++() | Output Iterator | Preincrement |
ostream_iterator& operator++(int) | Output Iterator | Postincrement |
output_iterator_tag iterator_category(const ostream_iterator&) | iterator tags | Returns the iterator's category. |
Function | Description |
ostream_iterator(ostream& s) | Creates an ostream_iterator such that assignment of t through it is equivalent to s << t. |
ostream_iterator(ostream& s, const char* delim) | Creates an ostream_iterator such that assignment of t through it is equivalent to s << t << delim. |
[1] Note how assignment through an ostream_iterator is implemented. In general, unary operator* must be defined so that it returns a proxy object, where the proxy object defines operator= to perform the output operation. In this case, for the sake of simplicity, the proxy object is the ostream_iterator itself. That is, *i simply returns i, and *i = t is equivalent to i = t. You should not, however, rely on this behavior. It is an implementation detail, and it is not guaranteed to remain the same in future versions.
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